In response to the Corona Virus outbreak, Woodforest Presbyterian Church is taking the following steps. These measures are necessary for the health of both our church members AND our entire community:
• On Sunday, 3/15/2020, we will gather for an abbreviated outdoor worship service, followed by a Called Session meeting. Sunday school for all ages has been canceled. • Many of us fall into the CDC’s higher-risk categories including elderly persons, and/or persons with underlying health issues such as heart disease, diabetes, lung disease, or compromised immune systems. We strongly urge these members to consult with their doctors about whether to attend group events. Unfortunately, this may mean missing worship services. • If you are feeling “under the weather” don’t push it! Please stay home - we love you just the same! Call us and we will work to provide alternative spiritual care. And please stay home if you have a sick family member in your household. • Please maintain a 6’ social distance from your fellow worshipers. Greet each other verbally and refrain from shaking hands or hugging. The practice of Passing the Peace has been suspended during worship services. To increase social distance between worshipers, we have removed every other row of chairs in the sanctuary. • Cover your coughs or sneezes with a tissue instead of your hand or elbow. • Cleanliness counts! Door knobs and counters will be disinfected before and after services. Please wash your hands thoroughly (and frequently) with soap and water. Tissues and hand-sanitizing supplies are available throughout the facility. Ask if you need help. • The water fountain has been marked “out of order”. Please drink bottled or tap water instead. • Wine and bread for Communion will be individually portioned. Volunteers will wear gloves when preparing and serving food items in our kitchen. The following websites have information on the evolving Corona Virus outbreak: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention The World Health Organization US Department of Health and Human Services Presbyterian Disaster Assistance Houston Health Department: COVID-19 hotline number: 832-393-4220. As we monitor the ongoing situation, Woodforest Presbyterian Church will take additional measures as needed, up to and including canceling services, arranging for worship broadcasts, etc. Do not lose heart or become discouraged. The Spirit is kind and connects us all through time and space. We are still the church together! But for now, stay tuned, be careful… and stay well!
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AuthorWoodforest Presbyterian Church is a loving and diverse congregation that has been serving the Channelview area of Houston, TX for sixty years. Archives
October 2024
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