Sunday Worship 10:00 am - In Person and on Facebook Live
What Does Worship Look Like in 2022?
The Covid Pandemic Threat Level for Harris County is currently Low/Green. At this level, residents are instructed to "stay up-to-date with Covid-19 vaccines and get tested if symptoms develop." Our contact tracing sheets show that most worshipers are fully vaccinated; accordingly, Woodforest Presbyterian Church is resuming our pre-pandemic activities. We remain vigilant to the development of new variants, and will don masks if necessary to protect each other. We continue to practice proper hand sanitation.
During this Threat Level, Woodforest Presbyterian Church is hosting LIVE WORSHIP SERVICES in a hybrid format. You may join us for worship in personevery Sunday at 10:00 am. In addition, we continue to broadcast our worship services live on Facebook, also at 10:00am every Sunday. Our worship blends liturgical expressions of faith with both traditional and contemporary music. We love our church family and invite everyone to join us - whether in person or online!
Worship bulletins are emailed each Friday. These documents include all the hymns and prayers and make it easy to participate in the Sunday broadcast services. If you would like to receive these bulletins, please request them by emailing [email protected]. See previously-recorded services:
COMMUNION is celebrated on the first Sunday of every month as well as on Maundy Thursday, Easter Sunday, during our Church Celebration, and on Christmas Eve.
By eating bread and drinking wine in memory of Jesus' Last Supper, we receive again the blessing of his sacrifice. We remember God's loving promise, and we commit our faith anew. All baptized Christians are welcome to join in the Lord's Supper, regardless of church affiliation.
When worshiping from home, we ask participants to have their own bread/crackers and wine/juice handy when the broadcast service begins at 10:00 am on Facebook Live. We bless the elements together during the service and then partake together, signifying our unity in Christ.
Because some worshipers are more comfortable with extra precautions, you will still see lots of Covid equipment in our church building. Stickers on the floor remind us to distance ourselves from others. A table near the entry contains masks, hand sanitizer, and a thermometer. A dropbox allows for touchless donations in-house, and the new online credit card system makes it possible to donate from home. Most importantly, a sign-in list makes contact tracing possible if it is needed.
In the sanctuary, you will notice lots of additional A/V equipment, particularly cameras and microphones. Slides are still projected on the wall, as we have always done during our in-person services.
Our music is live, and licensed through CCLI for both broadcast and in-person worship. Photography is graciously provided by Trevor Feltner. Here you see Ryan, our music director, on his digital piano. He has now been joined by Jeff Hoofard on percussion. The congregation and choir provide the beautiful voices!
Working behind the scenes, the tech team runs the in-person slide projector and the Facebook Live broadcast.
What Comes Next?
We consider broadcast services as a permanent addition to our worship practice, in addition to in-person worship. If the weather cooperates, meeting out-of-doors like this may be part of our worship experience! Watch for notices in your weekly Friday email (to subscribe, drop us a note at [email protected])
Join us Sunday at 10:00 am In Person or on Facebook Live!