At Woodforest Presbyterian Church, our journey towards Easter begins with ASH WEDNESDAY, which marks the beginning of Lent. Lent is the season commemorating the forty days Jesus fasted in the wilderness. The ashes in question are made from palm branches blessed in last year's Palm Sunday service. We place ashes on our foreheads to remind us to observe this season with personal piety. With "Ashes to Go", we reach out to our community, offering ashes and prayers to passing motorists on Ash Wednesday.

EASTER LILIES decorate the sanctuary throughout the Easter season. The plants are also taken to our shut-ins, and they may be dedicated in honor of a loved one. If you would like to donate Easter Lilies, click here.

PALM SUNDAY is the Sunday before Easter. During this 10:00 am worship service, we remember and celebrate Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem by carrying palm branches into our sanctuary.

MAUNDY THURSDAY - We gather together for a Soup Supper at 6:00 and worship with communion at 7:00 pm, recalling Jesus' Last Supper and the final commandment to love and serve each other.

GOOD FRIDAY TENNEBRAE SERVICE - At 7:00 pm, a somber and moving “service of the shadows” reminds us of Christ’s suffering and death on the cross.

EASTER SUNDAY - At 10:00 am on EASTER SUNDAY, we worship with communion in the joyous celebration of Jesus' resurrection and God's love. Alleluia - the tomb is empty!
FLOWERING OF THE CROSS - This strikingly beautiful display on the church grounds is a visual symbol of the new life that is promised through Christ. Church and community members alike are welcome to place flowers on the cross.
FLOWERING OF THE CROSS - This strikingly beautiful display on the church grounds is a visual symbol of the new life that is promised through Christ. Church and community members alike are welcome to place flowers on the cross.