What Does Fellowship Look Like in 2022?
The Covid Pandemic Threat Level for Harris County is currently Low/Green. At this level, residents are instructed to "stay up-to-date with Covid-19 vaccines and get tested if symptoms develop." Our contact tracing sheets show that most worshipers are fully vaccinated; accordingly, Woodforest Presbyterian Church is resuming our pre-pandemic activities. We remain vigilant to the development of new variants, and will don masks if necessary to protect each other. We continue to practice proper hand sanitation.
At Woodforest Presbyterian church, we like to eat together. Actually, we like to eat together a lot! We have resumed communal meals while remaining mindful of safety for everyone. On Sunday mornings, the coffee pot is back on! We gather for coffee and snacks at 11:00 am following the 10:00 am Sunday worship service.
On the last Sunday of every month, we enjoy a POT LUCK LUNCH at 12:00 noon following Sunday School.
Our annual fall CHURCH CELEBRATION marks our anniversary as a congregation together! To celebrate, we reach out to members of our extended church family, inviting them to a special Thanksgiving worship service. Afterwards, the entire congregation enjoys a catered dinner, and each new family adds a cross to our front hall. In 2024, we celebrated our talented members with our second annual art show and talent show.
DUTCH TREAT LUNCH follows Sunday School on the second Sunday of every month. Members gather for lunch at a variety of local restaurants.
On the Sunday following Vacation Bible School, the entire congregation relaxes with an old-fashioned BBQ PICNIC & SPLASH PARTY. We're talking barbeque with all the fixins! Weather permitting, the kids cool off outside with swim suits, SnoCones, splash toys, and a water slide!
Batter up! It's time for hush puppies, French fries, coleslaw, and the best fried fish in Houston! Each spring, the entire congregation pitches in to host the popular FISH FRY. Activities include a Bake Sale and a Silent Auction. Gospel bands provide live entertainment throughout the event.